Did you know?
The owners and managers of office buildings currently care more about providing renters with high comfort than saving energy.
oBEMS is an optimizer (hardware and software) for ventilation systems to maintain the desired comfort level and reduce electricity and heat costs. The innovation results from the combination of ongoing management of the indoor climate in office buildings with the use of a multisensory map of comfort and integration with BMS (Building Management System). So far, such a connection has taken place in the conceptual area – due to the high costs of integrating the BMS with additional sensors necessary for the ongoing comfort management.
Thanks to Enabler DSR with the oBEMS extension, it is possible to: improve the comfort felt by people staying in office buildings and save energy. oBEMS prepares office buildings for the stringent WELL certification to make the let space extremely attractive for demanding renters.
The research project “oBEMS (Office Building Energy Management System), intelligent hardware and software overlay for office building automation systems, a new method of managing comfort and electricity, heat optimizing ventilation, heating, cooling (HVAC) on an ongoing basis with the use of a multisensory map of comfort” is being carried out under Measure 1.1. “R&D projects of enterprises”, Sub-measure 1.1.1: “Industrial research and development work carried out by enterprises” of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
The subject of the project is research on the innovative oBEMS system – intelligent hardware and software overlay for office building automation systems. oBEMS will optimize forced ventilation, air conditioning, and heating (HVAC) systems to maintain the desired comfort level and reduce electricity and heat costs. oBEMS will be based on a combination of ongoing management of the internal climate in office buildings using a multisensory map of comfort and a low-invasive method of integration with BMS (Building Management System) systems.
The project aims to conduct industrial research and development works for the prototype of a new product. oBEMS will combine comfort maps and HVAC control to:
- achieving a reduction in electricity and heat consumption and financial savings thanks to the optimization of control, taking into account energy prices (fixed, dynamic, wholesale SPOT tariffs), the current load of the building,
- maintaining optimal parameters of air quality and comfort perceived by people in offices.
Total project implementation cost: PLN 4,604,371.28
Co-financing of the project from the EU: PLN 3,481,604.54