Did you know?
The OHT project is implemented in cooperation with the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene. Thanks to it, we improve hygiene conditions and generate energy, heat, and water savings (optimization potential in the range of 15-25%). The average costs in this respect for the statistical Polish swimming pool exceed PLN 1 million annually.
OHT is an intelligent optimizer for ventilation systems that monitors the formation of carcinogenic THM compounds and their removal from indoor pools. The innovative OHT device combines the management of water disinfection processes with the operation of HVAC systems (heating, ventilation, air conditioning).
Benefits for facility managers:
- savings in the consumption of electricity, heat, and water
- monitoring of water and air quality in indoor swimming pools
- improving the quality of swimming pool water to the level of the current ordinances of the Ministry of Health.
The research project “Intelligent HVAC OPTIMIZER as a function of the THM formation potential in indoor swimming pools (OHT) – a new method of managing electricity and heat that adjusts ventilation, heating, cooling (HVAC) control on an ongoing basis to the concentrations of carcinogenic halogen derivatives of methane such as trihalomethanes (THM) and their removal from indoor swimming pools ”is implemented under Measure 1.1. “R&D projects of enterprises”, Sub-measure 1.1.1: “Industrial research and development work carried out by enterprises” of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
The subject of the project is the research of the innovative OHT device – an intelligent optimizer for ventilation systems in the function of monitoring the potential for the formation of carcinogenic halogen derivatives of methane (THM) and their removal from indoor swimming pools. The innovation of the OHT device (product and process on an international scale) will be based on the combination of ongoing ventilation management with water treatment processes. This linkage took place only in the conceptual realm due to the difficulty of the current determination of THM.
Total project implementation cost: PLN 4 503 821.85
Co-financing of the project from the EU: PLN 3,306,154.95